Your listing will get worldwide and local marketing, as well as maximum exposure. Our active Global Marketing campaigns hit millions of qualified home buyers, and we specialize in having homes SOLD. We don't just focus on the MLS; we still use the internet. About 90% of home buyers begin their quest for a home on the internet.
Any real estate agents claim that taking a listing entails adding it on the MLS and hoping that the call will ring. We know that clear and organized messaging works well at Jane Byrd Properties International. Our online presence is unrivaled, giving your home full visibility to millions of prospective customers and investors from coast to coast and around the world.
We strategically position your house on high volume Super Listing pages like Zillow, Trulia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Realtor.com, MLS, and thousands of other real estate web sites worldwide to guarantee that your property gets the greatest Internet visibility possible.
When marketing to foreign customers, getting great real estate photographs and a video walkthrough are important. If they are unable to see the property in person, they will make their decision based on these photos. Take no shortcuts if you want to show your home in the best possible way.
Hire a Real Estate Agent with Experience in Foreign Transactions
Acting with a real estate agent who is accredited in international sales, such as the National Association of Realtors' Certified International Property Professional certification, is the best practice.
Jose Sanchez will assist you if you need a specialist real estate agent to help you sell your home internationally. Jane Byrd Properties International Agents are full-service, top-rated real estate agents in their respective markets who have worked on a variety of deals, including marketing to international buyers.
Jose will put you in touch with someone in your area who can not only offer professional advice during the transaction, but also help you market your home to foreign buyers for the best possible result.